DDC Laboratories India has now opened a branch of DNA Test in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal. It’s an AABB certified laboratory.
- To know the level of alcohol- Level of alcohol in the blood can also be measured with the help of DNA Test. And this test can be easily performed at home.
- For adoption – Any abnormality in an individual can be detected through a simple DNA Test and after this precautions can be taken to avoid it to pass to further generations.
- To find out the criminals Forensic teams collect clues like semen, hair, blood etc from crime spot. It is seen that criminals generally leave a clue at the crime spot.
- For immigration- DNA tests help in immigration purposes. A DNA test is legally accepted by the court. Some countries only grant VISA if the relationship with the relative visiting is proved. So DNA testing helps in legal purposes.
- To find drug history- DDC Laboratories India also helps to disclose the long term drug history of criminals or any individual.
- To know your past- Some people are curious to know about their forefathers and ancestors and they take the help of DNA testing. Ancestral history related to our previous generations can be easily disclosed through a simple DNA Test in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.
- To detect dead bodies- When bodies decompose and cannot be recognized during mass deaths, DNA test is performed on blood, bones or any body part available.
For any kind of DNA Test in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, please fill the below form and our executive will contact you. Also, for any queries or to make an appointment, call us at +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp us at +91 9266615552.
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